Friday, July 2, 2010

Update on the Flare Gun

I finally got the hinge riveted onto the barrel, got the magnets put in, and got the grip carved, painted and finished. All it needs is some orange paint, a trigger, a hammer, and its done!

A test fit of all the pieces. The top metal part needs to be rivited to the barrel.

The top screw holds the magnets to hold the barrel up.


And closed.


  1. Hi Jason,

    Your login script had some huge flaws in it so Cam took it down. Just thought you should know.



  2. Jason, saw you're helmet on the 405th. Few things here and there could use some touch ups but other than that it's looking great! Let's chat sometime on Xbox or steam sometime (maybe play some Reach too). I got a new computer and I haven't installed Skype yet because I'm a lazy bastard.
